What can I ship?

LugLess can ship almost anything, but we specialize in shipping luggage, golf clubs, snowboards, and skis.  We can also ship boxes! But be sure to take a look at our list of prohibited items

Size & Weight Categories

We have nine categories based on billable weight. Choose the category that is closest to your needs. You may want to understand billable weight which is based on both dimensions and weight if you are shipping a large item.


Item Max Weight Size
Carry-on 25 lbs size matters 
Checked 50 lbs size matters
Oversize 75 lbs size matters 

Golf Bags

Item Max Weight Size
Golf Clubs 50 lbs size matters
Large Golf Clubs 65 lbs size matters

Skis & Snowboards

Item Max Weight Max Size
Snowboard 50 lbs 67" x 14" x 7" 
Large Snowboard 67 lbs 67" x 14" x 7"
Skis 45 lbs 76" x 9" x 8" 
Large Skis 90 lbs 76" x 15" x 9"
Ski Boot Bag Usually ships as a Carry-on

Sports Equipment

  • Bikes - generally have a billable weight of around 100 lbs due to their excessive size. If you want to ship a bike, choose "Oversize" when booking, but expect an adjustment.
  • Surfboards - we don't recommend shipping surfboards because they are prone to damage and push the limits of our carriers capacity. (Surfboards are not covered under our Value Protection plans).


We also ship boxes, and we generally recommend boxing your luggage if possible so it doesn't ship naked. 

Looking to ship an item that does not fall into the above category? Place it in a box and see which category it falls under using our calculator

Still Not Sure?

If you choose the wrong category, don't worry! Our carriers weigh and measure each item and provide us with a final billable weight shortly after delivery. You will be notified and pay a low per-pound rate for any overages.

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